¼ cup chopped shallots
2 T. olive oil
12 sprigs lemon thyme
4 cups peeled and chopped carrots
4 cups chicken stock
Salt and pepper to taste
½ cup crème fraiche for garnish
You will also need:
Large pot or Dutch oven
Blender (immersible or regular)
Individual serving dishes
Saute shallots in olive oil over medium heat until they are tender. Strip the leaves from 4 sprigs of lemon thyme and add the leaves to the sautéing shallots. Saute for about a minute longer. Add the carrots and chicken stock. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and continue to cook for about 30 minutes until the carrots are tender.
Using either an immersible blender or a standard blender, puree the soup until it is thick and smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour into individual soup dishes and garnish with a dollop each of crème fraiche and a sprig of thyme.
Serves 6-8.